Web Components in Earnest

January 24, 2024

I’ve previously written about a basic experience with Web Components and not getting it, but I think I get it now. In this (quite long) post, I’m going to go over how I built Ghola, a palette generator for developers. It’s entirely built with custom elements. It has almost no dependencies, runs fast, and was fun to work on.

Web Components: Templates, Slots, and Shadow DOM Aren't Great

November 20, 2023

In two previous posts, I explored the custom elements part of Web Components, concluding that the lifecycle callbacks provide value beyond rolling your own. I want to look at the other two parts of Web Components, which are the Shadow DOM and the <template> tag. These provide a templating mechanism that doesn’t work like any other web application templating environment and is incredibly limiting to the point I must be just not understanding.

What is WebComponents Buying Us?

November 17, 2023

People saying that “Web Components are having a moment” should look at the difference between Web Components and just using the browser’s API. They are almost identical, so much so that I’m struggling to understand the point of Web Components at all.

Let’s take Jim Neilsen’s user avatar example and compare his implementation to one that doesn’t use Web Components. This will help us understand why there is so much client-side framework churn.

Fan-out Sidekiq Jobs to Manage Large Workloads

November 09, 2023

Performing a resilient operation on bulk data can be challenging, especially if the operation relies on a third party. You can safely do this by fanning out the work to idempotent background jobs that operate on only one piece of data at a time. Those jobs can retry independently as needed, making the entire operation more easy to manage. This post will show an example of how that works and why you might want to use this pattern.

Ruby on Rails Background Jobs with Sidekiq is Complete

October 19, 2023

If you want to know how to sustainably manage background jobs in your Rails app, you should be using Sidekiq, and you should by my book, Ruby on Rails Background Jobs with Sidekiq. $9.99, ebook only, a scant 70 pages.

Since 2011, I’ve been responsible for apps that had a lot of background jobs, and I’ve been on-call for those apps. Believe me when I tell you, you don’t want to learn how to write idempotent jobs, create self-healing retriable processes, or manage queues that way. It takes too long and its too stressful. Just read the book I wish I had back then.