RSpec Examples are, well, Examples

November 09, 2022 📬 Get My Weekly Newsletter

RSpec’s internal DSL allows creating some difficult-to-sustain structures and code, but there is one guiding principle that has helped me avoid making tests that are too weird:

RSpec tests should be examples of how the code under test would be used.

Let’s see a few examples: using subject and avoiding predicate matchers.

subject is the heart of your test

RSpec provides the subject method, which it documents to allow all kinds of odd stuff, but at it’s core:

Use subject in the group scope to explicitly define the value that is returned by the subject method in the example scope.

The problem is, you would never call your object subject in your regular code:

# Yes, naming is hard, but it's not THIS hard
subject = user.orders.last

# You would almost certainly do this
order = user.orders.last

# or maybe this
last_order = user.orders.last

You would call the object being tested ideally the name that would be used in most common scenarios where the object is being used. RSpec even recommends this (despite spending the rest of the docs explaining how to not follow this recommendation):

We recommend using the named helper method over subject in examples

subject(:order) { }

This is better than let because it indicates that this particular variable is special: it’s the object under test.

Another use of subject is to enable the one-liner syntax, which hides a ton of information about what is being tested inside implicit behavior (note: a previous version of this post erroneously claimed you could not use this syntax with a named subject):

it { is_expected_to be_empty }

Absolutely none of that is an example of the code you would write, meaning you have to mentally translate this code into what would actually happen in order to understand what is being tested. That it reads like English—”it is expected to be empty”—is not nearly as useful as knowing what code is being tested.

Aside from the is_expected_to, the be_empty can be used in other contexts, however it is still problematic.

Predicate Matchers mask Behavior For No Real Benefit

Predicate matchers allow you to write an expectation in a pidgen-like English:

expect(order).not_to be_sent

What is being tested here? Sure, we can say that the order is expected not to have been sent, but this is a test, not documentation. We need to understand exactly what invocations of what code should have what behavior. If the test isn’t the place where that goes, I’m not sure what is.

This is better:

expect(order.sent?).to eq(true)

This test shows the actual code being tested. This is good (it also tests precisely the behavior, which the predicate matcher does not. Read on).

A commonly-cited benefit of the predict matcher form is that it produces a better error message, something like

expected order.sent? to be truthy

The more explicit version would produce this:

expected false to be true

In both cases, the default error formatter would also show the line of code in the test that failed, so in both cases you would see the call to .sent? in the error output. To me, this is fine. While “expected false to be true” is not a great message, since it’s shown right next to the line of code being executed, it’s not a problem for me to sort out what went wrong.

But note also what the predicate matcher is testing. It’s not testing that .send? returned true. It’s testing that it didn’t return false or nil. If that is not what .sent? is supposed to do, the predicate-based test is wrong. I like to assert the test results to be precisely what I mean them to be, and for Ruby that means you have to use eq(true) if you want to test that a predicate method returned true (or false).

For me, the predicate matcher is all downside - it makes it hard to understand what code is actually being tested, it does not assert precisely the value you may think it does, and the error message for the non predicate test has all the information the predicate one does.

There are a ton of other ways in which writing tests as examples of the code under test can lead to explicit, yet clear code. It does mean you won’t use several RSpec features, but this is fine.