How to switch to Vim

April 24, 2013 📬 Get My Weekly Newsletter

From time to time, I see people in my twitter stream attempting to switch to Vim. This is a good thing. The problem is that they appear to be viewing the switch as swapping out one tool for another.

This is not what switching to Vim means, nor is it a good reason to switch.

The reason to switch to Vim is to work better. I realize “better” is subjective, but whatever way you define it is what it means - code faster, edit text more easily, automate your workflow, whatever.

As such, switching to Vim is to throw out your old editor (or plan to) and replace it with a different tool that works differently and is, hopefully, better. Stop asking for “a plugin that does XXX like Sublime Text does things”. If Sublime Text has a plugin for what you want, you don’t need Vim. Vim might very well have a plugin that does whatever XXX is, but it’s more likely that you don’t need a plugin, or that Vim provides a way to accomplish your real goal much more efficiently.

Here’s how to make the move.

First, you aren’t going to learn much Vim from this. There are tons of great tutorials about how to actually use Vim. You will, of course, need those to switch to Vim, but you’ll also need a bit of a plan. This is that plan.

  1. Run stock at first.
  2. Ease into it.
  3. Learn to install and remove extensions.
  4. Add configuration and extensions only when needed.

Run stock at first

Don’t install Janus. Don’t install someone’s dotfiles. Don’t install anything but Vim. Vim is hard enough to learn without dealing with someone else’s idea of a good editing environment. Remember, your goal is to edit text (and code) better. You’d be surprised at just how easy that is with a vanilla install of Vim and a bit of elbow grease.

It’s also important that, when learning Vim, you learn it from first principles. You need to know in your heart of hearts that Vim editing is all about combining movements with actions. It’s like playing a musical instrument.

To learn to play guitar, you should grab an acoustic and a chordbook. You should not get a Marshall half-stack, vintage pedalboard, and Gibson Custom Shop Les Paul Slash Special Signature Edition. In all honesty, you’re likely to find out a Fender Strat works just fine with a good distortion pedal, so don’t start off with a bunch of crap in your ~/.vim directory.

Ease into it

You don’t want to uninstall Chocolat (or whatever) and jump into your next coding assignment with Vim. At least not at first. That will be bad for you and your company. Instead, tell your operating system that henceforth, all text files, Markdown files, Asciidoc files and any other text-like format shall be edited in Vim. Then, proceed to use Vim only for editing text.

Although editing text doesn’t benefit from many of Vim’s amazing plugins and features, it requires just enough for you to “level up” and get better at editing text. Before you know it, you’ll be deleting words, moving the cursor with search, creating abbrevations and all the other great stuff that makes Vim Vim, but in a safe, easy environment of text editing. If you don’t edit a lot of text, shame on you. You should write more. It’s good for you.

Now, don’t just go into insert mode and cursor around like you’re in Notepad. This is where those tutorials and references come in. Follow them and use them. My advice is:

  • When you get a thought down, hit escape to go to command mode1. A.B.C. Always Be in Command Mode. A, Always, B, Be, C, in Command Mode. You enter command mode mode or you hit the bricks.
  • When are ready to type, enter insert mode and type. Then hit escape when you are done. A.B.C.
  • Before touching the mouse, the cursor keys, the backspace key, or the delete key, ask yourself what you are really trying to do. Are you really deleting 10 characters that are all adjacent to each other or are you deleting a word? Are you really moving down 12 lines or are you going to the next paragraph?
  • Stop thinking about characters and lines. Think in words, sentences, paragraphs, tokens, blocks. You are learning the Weirding Way, here. Visualize where you want the cursor to go, and make it go there. If you repeated a keystroke to do it, try harder.

Eventually, you will start to discover things you want to improve about your setup. Almost always, they can be fixed by mapping new commands or adjusting configuration. The Vim help is truly amazing. Read it. Like a book.

On occasion, you will need more than what you can achieve with just mappings and configuration. This is when you might benefit from an extension. You need to know how to easily install (and remove) them.

Learn to install and remove extensions

I’m gonna get prescriptive here. Just do it this way, and when you get your brown belt, you can switch to something else. Install pathogen and use that to manage your Vim extensions. Why?

Your ~/.vim directory (as well as the system Vim directory) has a specific structure organized by a file’s meaning to Vim. For example, all syntax files go in one place, and all help files go in one place, etc. This means that installing extensions using stock Vim results in a smattering of files all over the place related by Vim function and not by semantic function. All the Ruby-related files are not in a directory called ruby. It’s not good, but you can’t expect a 30+ year old editor to have got everything right the first time.

Pathogen solves this by allowing each extension to have its own Vim-like directory structure completely separate from all others. This is just like a “bundle”-type system in more modern editors. This means you can easily add and remove extensions with just a few commands.

Here’s how to set it up:

> mkdir -p ~/.vim/autoload ~/.vim/bundle
> curl -Sso ~/.vim/autoload/pathogen.vim \

Put this at the top of ~/.vimrc:

execute pathogen#infect()
syntax on
filetype plugin indent on

This gives you a system in which to manage extensions. Test it by doing this:

> cd ~/.vim/bundle
> git clone git:// jellybeans.vim
> vim some_file

Now, in Vim, do :colorscheme jellybeans and you should see your colors change (or at least you shouldn’t get an error).

Do not manage plugins by typing git commands. That was just a test. We’re here to improve things and the way you do that is with a command line app. When you pass the Jedi trials (or cut Darth Maul in half), you can do something fancier, but this at least keeps you from typing a bunch of git commands:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require 'optparse'
require 'fileutils'
require 'open-uri'

options = {}

opts = do |o|
  o.on("--clean","Delete everything before re-cloning") do
    options[:clean] = true

git_bundles = [ 
  # add more here

bundles_dir = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "bundle")

if options[:clean]
  puts "Trashing everything (lookout!)"
  Dir["*"].each do |d| 
    FileUtils.rm_rf d

git_bundles.each do |url|
  dir = url.split('/').last.sub(/\.git$/, '')
  if File.exists?(dir)
    puts "  Skipping #{dir}, as it already exists"
    puts "  Unpacking #{url} into #{dir}"
    `git clone #{url} #{dir}`
    if $?.success?
      FileUtils.rm_rf(File.join(dir, ".git"))
      STDERR.puts "Problem with #{url}"

I keep this file in update_bundles in my ~/.vim directory (which I keep in version control). Since this is an awesome command-line app, you can do ./update_bundles -h and get some help. Start off with ./update_bundles --clean. This will delete your one bundle and re-clone it, along with a second bundle. That’s the “vividchalk” colorscheme, which I’m not recommending per se, but it’s just a second thing you can use to check that you’ve got everything set up properly. Do that via :colorscheme vividchalk.

To add extensions, place them inside the git_bundles hash and run ./update_bundles. To remove extensions, remove them from that hash and delete their cloned directory in ~/.vim/bundle. That’s it.

Of course, with great power, comes great responsibility…to not junk up your bundles directory with a bunch of stupid plugins you really don’t need to write code better.

Add extensions only when needed

I’m not saying you shouldn’t experiment and explore, but you will get the most benefit from Vim by not installing plugins that re-create features of the degenerate editor you are trying to get away from. You’re leaving it for a reason. Install plugins to solve editing and workflow problems you can’t get around with what vim gives you.

For example, a lot of people install NERDTree because they like seeing the world’s most difficult-to-use tree control from Windows Explorer right there in ASCII-art form in Vim. It turns out that controls like this were designed for locating files in a directory structure using a mouse on Windows 95.

If you think you need this plugin, you may not have thought deeply about the problem you are facing. Your problem is likely not “I need to navigate my project by tree structure and have it constantly there always even though I spend most of my time reading and writing particular code files”. Your problem is “I need to open a particular file more easily”. Vim has many ways to do that that are far better.

The most degenerate way is to do :e . which brings up a file navigator in the current directory. You can navigate the file system with Vim, which is great, but this is still not very efficient. A better way is to read about gf or :find, or look into the CommandT extension. All of these allow you to quickly find a file by name or path just by typing. Typing is fast as hell.

This is just an example, and it’s meant to illustrate that you should install extensions to solve problems, not to replicate features of other editors. Sometimes they will be same, but often they will not be.

To find plugins, search GitHub. Do not use Google, use GitHub. If you find a plugin that you cannot install by having update_bundles clone it into your .vim/bundle directory, you might not be searching GitHub. Or, you have a found a plugin that isn’t being maintained and you should avoid using it. Or, you should clone it to GitHub and start maintaining it.

As you get more comfortable, start using Vim for coding. It will be painful, but at least you’ll know how to navigate the project, copy & paste, and have some grasp of what’s going, thanks to the grounding in first principles you got while editing plain text files.

Find the plugin for the programming language you are using. Read the help to see what it offers and, if it looks useful, install it. You’ll likely want it just to get the syntax highlighting and indentation stuff working.

Finally, share what you’ve learned with other Vim users. Especially if they know more Vim than you. Those conversations will go like this:

  • You: “Hey, did you know about #? It searches backward for the word under the cursor!!”
  • Vim Master: “Yes! I love that command. Do you know about ?? It repeats your last search backward. n does the same forward!”

And then you learn something. On occasion, the Vim grand master will learn something from you. Vim just keeps on giving. It’s like that. Vim users are never short of a few tips to share, and as smug as they are around Emacs users, and as arrogant as they are around IDE users, they will be super-kind to anyone learning Vim.

So, go forth and switch! Run stock, then ease into it, then learn about pathogen, and then start leveling up. The next time you find yourself in Microsoft Word staring at a row of j’s, you’ll know you’ve made the switch.

  1. 1Yes, I realize most call it “normal” mode. It should be the mode you are normally in. That's the point, but I call it command mode, and I really wanted to make a Glengarry Glen Ross reference.↩