Learning Cucumber - With Dynamic types must come documentation
May 21, 2009 📬 Get My Weekly Newsletter ☞
Finally pulled the trigger on Cucumber, which allows one to write human-readable "features" that are essentially acceptance test cases. You can then execute them by adding some glue code in a mish-mash of Ruby DSLs and verify functionality.
It took me quite a while to decide to get going on this because the examples and documentation that are available are extremely hypothetical and very hand-wavy. A lot of the information glosses over the fact that you are still writing code and you still need to know what the keywords are and what data you will be given. Arcane non-human-readable symbols are almost preferable when getting started, because you don't get distracted by English. This is why Applescript drives me insane.
At any rate, I found this page, which was pretty helpful. It shows testing a rails app using, among other things, webrat (another tool severely lacking in documentation but that is, nonetheless, pretty awesome).
I'm writing a basic wiki (for science) and so I thought a good feature would be "home page shows all pages in sorted order", so I wrote it up:
Feature: pages are sorted
As anyone
The pages should be listed on the home page in sorted order
Scenario: Visit Homepage
As anyone
When I visit the homepage
Then The list of pages should be sorted
Next up, you implement the steps and here is where the crazy intersection of Ruby DSLs really made things difficult. The first two steps were pretty easy ("anyone" didn't require any setup, and webrat successfully handled "When I visit the homepage"):
Then /The list of pages should be sorted/ do
response.should # I have no clue wtf to do here
Then /The list of pages should be sorted/ do
response.should have_selector("ul.pages")
Then /The list of pages should be sorted/ do
response.should have_selector("ul.pages") do |pages|
# WTF is pages and what can I do with it?
response.should have_selector('ul.pages') do |pages|
page_names = []
pages.should have_selector('li') do |li|
li.should have_selector('.pagename') do |name|
name.each do |one_name|
page_names <> one_name.content
assert_equal page_names,page_names.sort
So, this took me a couple of hours, mostly because of a combination of dynamic typing and lack of documentation. I'm all for dynamic typing, and I totally realize that these are free tools and all that. I think if the Ruby community (and the dynamic typing community in general) wants to succeed and make a case that dynamic typing, DSLs, meta-programming and all this (admittedly awesome and powerful) stuff enhance productivity, there has to be documentation as to the types of user-facing objects.
Now, given Github's general awesomeness, I'm totally willing to fork a repo, beef up the rdoc and request a pull, however I'm not even sure whose RDoc I could update to make this clear. Just figuring out that the have_selector in response.should have_selector is part of webrat was nontrivial (I had to just guess that should was part of RSpec and that the Webrat::Matchers module was mixed in). This is a problem and it's not clear to me how to solve it.
That being said, I was then able to create three more features using this system in about 10 minutes, so overall, I'm really happy with how things are working. Certainly if this were Java, I'd still be feeding XML to maven or futzing with missing semicolons. So, it's a net win for me.