Schema for REST services
September 11, 2008 📬 Get My Weekly Newsletter ☞
I'm currently working the integration API for Gliffy, which is a REST-based service. The API is fairly stable and we're readying a few ancillary things for release. One of those is the documentation for the API. I found it quite difficult to completely describe the REST services and ultimately ended up creating something that lists out "objects" and "methods", even though the API is not really object-based. For example, the object "Diagram" has a "method" called "list"; to "call" it, you do an HTTP GET to accounts/your account name/diagrams.
The original spec I created to work against (and thus, our initial draft of API documentation) was basically a list of URLs and the HTTP methods they responded to. Not very easy to navigate or understand on a first sitting. Some sort of schema to describe the REST API would have been really helpful (along the lines of an XML Schema). Such a schema could facilitate documentation, testing, code generation.
As an example, consider some features of the Gliffy API: you can list the users in an account, list the diagrams in an account and reference an individual diagram via id. Here's a YAML-esque description of these services:
<b>kind:</b> literal
<b>desc:</b> <i>"Reference to all accounts"</i>
<b>desc:</b> <i>"Creates a new account"</i>
- account_name
<b>required:</b> true
<b>desc:</b> <i>"Name of the account you want to create"</i>
- admin_email
<b>required:</b> true
<b>desc:</b> <i>"Email address of an administrator for the new account"</i>
<b>kind:</b> variable
<b>desc:</b> <i>"The name of your account"</i>
<b>desc:</b> <i>"Returns meta-data about the account"</i>
- show_users
<b>required:</b> false
<b>desc:</b> <i>"If true, users are included, if false, they are not"</i>
<b>kind:</b> literal
<b>desc:</b> <i>"All diagrams in the account"</i>
<b>desc:</b> <i>"Creates a new diagram"</i>
- diagram_name
<b>required:</b> true
<b>desc:</b> <i>"Desired name for this diagram"</i>
- template_id
<b>required:</b> false
<b>type:</b> numeric
<b>dsec:</b> <i>"If present, the id of the diagram to copy, instead of using the blank one"</i>
<b>desc:</b> <i>"Gets a list of all diagrams in this account"</i>
<b>kind:</b> variable
<b>type:</b> numeric
desc <i>"The id of a particular diagram"</i>
<b>desc:</b> <i>"Gets the diagram; the requested encoding type will determine the form"</i>
- <b>version:</b>
<b>desc:</b> <i>"The version to get, 1 is the original version. If omitted, current version is retrieved"</i>
<b>required:</b> false
<b>type:</b> numeric
- <b>size:</b>
<b>desc:</b> "For rastered formats, determins the size
<b>type:</b> enumeration
- L
- M
- S
<b>desc:</b> <i>"Deletes this image"</i>
<b>kind:</b> literal
<b>desc:</b> <i>"All users in the account"</i>
<b>desc:</b> <i>"gets a list of all users in the account"</i>
A standard format like this could easily be used to generate documentation, expectations, test cases, and even stub code. This format could even be delivered by an OPTIONS call to a resource. I realize there is not much standardization around how to design and implement a REST service, but something like this could at least be a stake in the ground and support a specific method.