The project I'm working on is deployed under Tomcat and isn't using EJBs. The codebase is using JDBC for database access and I'm looking into using some O/R mapping. Hibernate is great, but Java Persistence is more desirable, as it's more of a standard. Getting it to work with EJB3 is dead simple. Getting it to work without EJB was a bit more problematic.
The entire application is being deployed as a WAR file. As such, the JPA configuration artifacts weren't getting picked up. Setting aside how absolutely horrendous Java Enterprise configuration is, here's what ended up working for me:
Create a persistence.xml file as per standard documentation leaving out the jta-data-source stanza (I could not figure out how to get Hibernate/JPA to find my configured data source)
Create your hibernate.cfg.xml, being sure to include JDBC conncetion info. This will result in hibernate managing connections for you, which is fine
Create a persistence jar containing:
Hibernate config at root
persistence.xml in META-INF
All classes with JPA annotations in root (obviously in their java package/directory structure)
This goes into WEB-INF/lib of the war file (being careful to omit the JPA-annotated classes from WEB-INF/classes
The first two steps took a while to get to and aren't super clear from the documentation.
To use JPA, this (non-production quality) code works:
EntityManagerFactoryemf=Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("name used in persistence.xml");EntityManagerem=emf.createEntityManager();Queryquery=em.createQuery("from Account where name = :name");query.setParameter("name",itsAccountName);Listresults=query.getResultList();// do stuff with your results
The EntityManagerFactory is supposed to survive the life of application and not be created/destroyed on every request.
I also believe there might be some transaction issues with this, but I can't figure out from the documentation what they are and if they are a big deal for a single-database application.
Update: Turns out, it's not quite this simple. Since this configuration is running outside an EJB container, and given Bug $2382, you can query all day long, but you cannot persist. To solve this, you must work in a transaction, as so:
EntityManagerFactoryemf=Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("name used in persistence.xml");EntityManagerem=emf.createEntityManager();EntityTransactiontx=em.getTransaction();tx.begin();Queryquery=em.createQuery("from Account where name = :name");query.setParameter("name",itsAccountName);Listresults=query.getResultList();// modify your results somehow via persist()
// or merge()
Again, this is not production code as no error handling has been done at all, but you get the point.