A clone

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The Game

This is a clone of the classic Atari 2600 game Adventure. It has everything the original had (including the easter egg). There are 5 games total:

  • Game 1-3 are just like they are in the original Adventure game (complete with Easter Egg!)
  • Games 4 and 5 use a new map that I made. It features 5 castles (two of which can only be opened with a hidden master key, and one you can only get to by using the invisible dot to walk through walls), 2 bridges, 4 dragons, and non-symmetrical mazes and catacombs. Game 4 (like Game 2) always begins with objects in the same place. Game 5 randomly places objects. Both Games 4 and 5 have a special easter egg which will imprison the bat, kill all the dragons, and give you the chalice.

Additionally, any game can be customized in two ways:

  • New Objects - You can cause two new objects to be placed in the game. The Candle gives you more visibility in catacombs and the Shield keeps you from being killed by Dragons.
  • Difficulty - Unlike the difficulty switches on the Atari, this difficult will make the dragons move and attack faster, as well as turn all mazes into catacombs.

The Implementation

The main goal of me doing this was to learn DirectX and learn game programming. I chose to clone Adventure because:

  1. I only want to tackle 2D to start off.
  2. I wanted to clone an existing game so I didn't get wrapped up in game design and lose sight of learning DirectX and game programming
  3. It was pretty easy to figure out how Adventure worked, but it wasn't a totally limited game.
  4. Adventure is the coolest Atari game!
So, I basically read a couple of books ("Learn Computer Game Programming..." by Ian Parberry, and "Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus" by Andre Lamothe) and got going. I wanted to also do a really good analysis and design and try to "do it right", so I could understand the issues facing a game programmer when trying to have a nice architecture, but also a functioning game. As such, I decided on a few rules for myself:
  • Everything except for WinMain would be done in C++
  • No templates, operator overloading or multiple implementation inheritance
  • No purely global variables, and only constant values exposed as public static members of a class
So, with these rules in mind, started on my quest.

Before jumping straight into Adventure, I decided to re-implement the code in the Parberry book. I found his code hard to understand and poorly done, plus it seemed like an easy way to get my head around DirectDraw, DirectSound and DirectInput. After that, I began my Analysis and Design of Adventure.

The first thing I did was outline an analysis-level class hierarchy. I figured that all objects in adventure should inherit from a base object, called GameObject. This object could encapulate stuff like collisions, movement and position. It could also encapsulate drawing itself to the screen (which was accomplished vi a ScreenImage class, contained within a GameObject, that draws a bitmap to a DirectDraw surface). Then, each object would extend the GameObject to provide it's special features. All GameObjects have an update method, where they can do some processing each time through the loop. Thus, a dragon or bat could implement their AI inside this method.

Once this was done, I outlined a basic system for moving the player from room to room (in terms of a class diagram and a sequence diagram). Since you can only see one room at a time, and there are many ways to leave a room (e.g. edges of screen, gate), I had my Room object contain a connector object that could determine if an object was trying to leave the room. It could also handle the details of moving the object to the new room.

At this point, I threw together a basic game loop diagram for how I thought everything would fit together. Note that these are analysis level documents that helped to drive my design and implementation. I had to diverge from them in several places and did not go back and update the documents.

Now, I was ready to write some code. I skipped doing a formal design since the act of coding would reveal much more about how I should architect the game than more thinking, plus I wasn't working with anyone else, so I could more easily make design decisions in my head at the keyboard. Before starting, I created an implementation plan that listed each step I would take. The idea was that at each sitting, I would code up at least one step, and that after each step, I would have a functioning system. Also, if I needed to show my work to anyone, I made sure I'd always have something to show them.

After that, I went down my list. If I found out something else needed to be done, or that a particular step was too much to do in one sitting, I modified my list. I also kept a buglist as a went, and a TODO list of things I wanted to do before being "done", but that were not essential to the game.

What did I learn?

The most challenging implementation was actually the collision detection. The problem I kept having was that the player would hit a wall, and the detection algorithm would bounce him back in the wrong direction. The problem arose because it was not straightforward to tell where the player was in relation to a wall so that he could be bounced properly. I finally settled on a brute force detection approach that turned out to not cause any performance issues, so I kept it. I basically created a rectangle that contained the two objects to check, and then went through each point of that rectangle looking for a non-transparent pixel that was in both objects. Then, I calculated various differences between the player and a wall (in that case) and bounced him back appropriately. It still isn't perfect, but it's good enough for my purposed.

The main things I learned that I wasn't expecting to learn (i.e. stuff other than DirectX and some general game programming ideas) were:

  • Load times are significant! - Even in lowly adventure, there is a noticable blip when starting a large level (such as classic game 3), and on a slow machine, the program appears to hang for a second. Not the mark of a professional game, but by the time I realized it was a problem, it would've been nontrivial to modify the architecture to handle giving some feedback during loading. It did give me a chance to use the profiler and do some optimizations, however.
  • A game has various states other than "running" - I had completely neglected to plan for things like the game being won or lost, selecting a new game, pausing, etc. I ended up having to do some significant restructuring of my main controlling class to accomodate this.
  • Make things event-based - Don't know if this is always the gospel, but I found that creating a basic event firing/listening infrastructure was incredibly helpful. I originally had sound-playing code inside my game objects. I also had tons of duplicated code where an object sets a timer for itself and checks to see if it's elapsed. I broke this stuff out and created an EventDispatcher and had objects implement an EventListener interface. This way, the player could, for example, announce that he had picked up an object. A sound playing class, then, could hear that announcement and play a sound. This made the code a lot cleaner and helped toward loose coupling of objects in the system.
  • Memory Management is a non-trivial task - I'd been doing Java at work most of the time, and you basically don't have to worry about deallocating an object, or who official "owns" a reference. The garbage collector takes care of it. In C++, however, I had to carefully decide when and where objects would be allocated and deallocated. I finally decided to have most objects owned by the World classes (which implement particular games, e.g. game #1), and the world class kept arrays of allocated objects. GameObjects and Rooms didn't have to worry about allocating or deallocating objects like ScreenImages or other GameObjects. Everything was deleted from an array at the end of the game. I'm not sure if this is the best approach, but it worked and I don't think I have any memory leaks.

So, all in all, creating a clone of Adventure was a fun experience. I'm including the code in the download, and it should be pretty easy to extend my clone to create new "Adventures" or new objects or a totally different game. I even created three new objects just for fun, and a fourth world for the player to explore and find the ever-lost chalice.